O.B.E. during the night.
I found myself conscious and aware in a space that I felt was underground...it was completely bare. Suddenly, two tracks appeared from nowhere out of one of the walls, which were ochre coloured, and I thought they might be made from some sort of rock. They reminded me of the tracks a large tractor would make in soil.
When the tracks reached me, what appeared to be a physical Stargate appeared behind them...same ochre colour with markings of some kind. I realised there were multiple round Stargates and I heard them click together to form a tunnel.
The Stargates moved along the tracks and then reached me. I stared through the tunnel into total blackness, and I must have moved along with them because I immediately found myself in a different space...a large room-like space that was filled with rows of cabinets. Some of the cabinets held various books and there was a vast amount of them...floor to ceiling glass cabinets that were locked.
There were many more cabinets in front of me and they were filled with specimens of types of animals and other Beings...including Humanoids. None of these specimens seemed to have any hair or fur of any kind anywhere on their bodies. They were all neatly arranged in rows in the locked cabinets...it was a vast area.
When I returned to my physical body I understood that I had been in an underground Galactic Library of some sort.
Much Love & Blessings
O.B.E. during the night.
I found myself conscious and aware in a space that I felt was underground...it was completely bare. Suddenly, two tracks appeared from nowhere out of one of the walls, which were ochre coloured, and I thought they might be made from some sort of rock. They reminded me of the tracks a large tractor would make in soil.
When the tracks reached me, what appeared to be a physical Stargate appeared behind them...same ochre colour with markings of some kind. I realised there were multiple round Stargates and I heard them click together to form a tunnel.
The Stargates moved along the tracks and then reached me. I stared through the tunnel into total blackness, and I must have moved along with them because I immediately found myself in a different space...a large room-like space that was filled with rows of cabinets. Some of the cabinets held various books and there was a vast amount of them...floor to ceiling glass cabinets that were locked.
There were many more cabinets in front of me and they were filled with specimens of types of animals and other Beings...including Humanoids. None of these specimens seemed to have any hair or fur of any kind anywhere on their bodies. They were all neatly arranged in rows in the locked cabinets...it was a vast area.
When I returned to my physical body I understood that I had been in an underground Galactic Library of some sort.
Much Love & Blessings