TWIN FLAMES/SOULS...The same essence experiencing individuality.
Twin Souls
Once long ago, you and I were ONE
yet in time, our duty separated us.
While experiencing many realities and gaining knowledge,
we continued searching for other Beings to fill our empty hearts.
What we had not known was that all the pain and suffering
was our way of paving the perfect path to meet again.
Bound by Divine Love and driven by the Light,
it is now we have re-united, and we have come to realise
it was not another Soul we needed, it was the other half of our own.
It is time now to fulfill our promise to each other,
soon we shall merge, and ascend as ONE into the Light we call Home.
~ Chené Louise Roberts ~
We are Scarlett & Soleil... Royal Angelic (Oraphim) Illumined Blue Ray Twin Flames/Souls. We are of the Blue Ray consciousness; however, we also reflect the Light of other rays including gold, silver, magenta and violet. It has recently been shown to me and is now my understanding that we also hold the vibrational frequency of the Red Ray.
The Red and the Blue rays are the first expressions or creations of Light and fused together they create the Crimson Flame of Truth.
We are reflections of that flame and also keepers of the Universal Time Matrix.
We two together came here to be the Love that heals...a conduit of Light !
As Multidimensional Creator Beings from Source/Love Essence, within this 3rd Density Reality, our physical aspects are known as Robyn & Richard. Within the 5th Density Reality, our higher, or expanded vibrational aspects are known as Scarlett & Soleil.
We have created this space to offer an understanding of who we are, and to share some of our encouragement to those Twins not yet in physical re-union. The Twin Flame path is not an easy one, and although it is commonly portrayed as all romance and roses, that can be a often is least that has not been our has been very hard work. When we first came together, we experienced a healing crisis with intense purging and healing of old templates. We were not just healing each other, we were burning off old familial, ancestral, and global templates, and we both struggled with our health for some time. Because of who we are, we are very sensitive to the intense energies washing onto our planet at this time, and we have had to take "time out" to allow our physical bodies to integrate and process all the downloads of energy that we have been receiving. To those of you ready to give up on this journey...we would ask you to please keep going, even if it seems impossible at times. We have been there, so we know. If you are authentic Twins and you are both incarnate on this planet at this time, you will be together physically at some point on your can be no other way...your Soul will make sure of that! Percentage wise, there are not a lot of us here, and all of us are needed. We are doing this in waves, and everything is in Divine Timing. Each set of Twins is unique, and they have their own role to play in this process, so even though there will be common denominators for all, each will experience their journey differently.
We thank you for being here at this time to assist, and we send you much Love. This is only our understanding of our role here at this time. Our role is no more important than the role of others. There are many energy streams represented on the planet right now, and it is worthwhile to remember that none is more or less than the rest...all are equal, and all vibrational frequencies are needed. As original Creator Beings from Source/Love energy, we have come back through Time to receive the blueprint for the new Human Light Body and to help light up the new planetary crystalline Light grid. We are also energetically dropping parcels of Light wherever we go that contain within their structure the new templates for relationships based on unconditional Love...including the Twin Flame template This is our gift to walk into when they are ready to do so. We incarnated at strategic geographic locations in order to physically ground the Light into the Earth grid in those areas...there is a large area we had to assist with...from Queensland and New South Wales through to Tasmania in Eastern Australia and across the Pacific to California and Oregon in the U.S. Although other people may disagree, it is my personal understanding that a part of this area commonly called the Pacific Rim is the area that was known as Lemuria. Because we are energy transformers (as well as energy generators when we merge), we help to transmute dark/negative energy and then transform it into Light wherever we are. It is also my understanding that we are some of the first to begin repairing the damage that started in the 5th dimension....making this level of Earth safe again. This is deep goes back a very long way. We are not only completing things that happened in Lemuria, but also in Maya with the invasion through the Stargate during the shifting of the polarities. In fact, it goes as far back as a place called Aldebaran. We also have Lyran and Sirian connections, and although our 5th Dimensional home is in the Pleiades, we have been on earth before as Lemurians. I have had several lifetimes here, but also several life cycles in the higher dimensions including 5th dimensional Earth, with my Twin as my Guide. He was out of body and his energy would fit into me through my back and my hands. This is how we healed people injured during the planetary invasions. Earth was a healing planet, and it will be again. This time we heal simply by BEING ourselves...the Light/Love essence that we are. It is not a hands on thing. As Blue Ray Twins we usually only incarnate together at certain times when there is an evolutionary process taking place that we have been invited to assist with. When we first met, LIGHTCROW told us that we were the first to leave and the first to return...taking all our Soul Fragments Home with us. He also told us that we had chosen the hardest path. That was an understatement! We have created a blog on this site to allow us to share our journey more the hope our story might assist and support others on this path. It was our intention to include the incredible Synchronicity that brought us together, as well as our experiences during the dissolving of our old relationships and the letting go of all attachments. This had to happen so we could build our new foundations. We had to let go of everything that no longer served us or supported our reunion and in fact we have experienced first-hand all the messages that I received in 2010 for my book LIGHTCROW MESSAGES. Little did I know then what my expanded, or higher self had in store for many ways, it is just as well I didn`t. For some reason I only wrote one blog entry before I received a message from my Spirit Guide Antoine to "hold off." Months passed... and then the "virus" hit. On Thursday April 2nd 2020, I was standing at my kitchen table chopping vegetables in preparation for our midday meal with my mind removed from the task at is usual for me when I am performing menial tasks these days. First I heard it as a whisper...almost like a soft melody carried on the wind, and I thought I had perhaps imagined it, but it had definitely caught my attention. Then suddenly, like a wave crashing loudly onto the shore, an intense energy that sounded like very loud static reverberated through my left ear...almost knocking me sideways, and I knew that I had received a download of some kind. I was then energetically imprinted with the understanding that I was being issued an invitation. The invitation extended to me was that of Scribe...working with a circle of 13 Light Beings known within their continuum as THE 13. The energy of the blog is now flowing in a slightly different direction determined by them and will reflect the information I received during this recent energy download; however, it is my understanding that the writing will also include those elements of our Twin Flame journey that I was originally going to share. Eventually, the writing will be published in book form, but THE 13 have asked me to share as I write in the hope our story might assist others experiencing the Twin Flame journey. I have no real idea where this guidance is leading, but I was told...IT IS TIME! UPDATE June 2023 I have recently come to the understanding through my beautiful Sasquatch guide Sachqua that in a more expanded state of consciousness, we are in fact TWIN RAYS....the Red and the Blue. Now...for me my experiences...especially the more recent ones...make far more sense. I will be writing about them on my blog. Much Love & Blessings Scarlett/Robyn |