The Christmas Presents
I woke in the night to remember this and then went back to sleep to have the same dream again apparently to ensure that it is remembered.
I was traveling at high speed to what I perceived to be my work. It was hazy and visibility was limited. I cannot be sure how I was traveling because there is no recall of a vehicle of any kind.
When I reached the workplace it seemed to be a very large space with many Beings busy in their tasks. I cannot say they were very familiar to me as in earthbound coworker situations but I did feel as though I had a place there.
The space was filled with workstations in long rows with each station about 1600mm long. They were connected end to end in a continuous rows. In this way all those at their station would be facing in the same direction although I have no idea what they were facing. In my case I had to start at one end of the row that my station was in and walk all the way to the other end. As traveling transverse was not possible it was best to know which row was your station location.
When I reached my station to the left of the aisle it was heaped high with documents and bags of Christmas presents. The presents were for those who were contacting me about the dissolution of contracts that was my task. The contracts were all in relation to the vaccination they had agreed to take for Covid19. When they agreed to take the jab they entered into a contract that can be voided as the real nature of what they were putting into their bodies was not disclosed to them. I was voiding all these contracts according to universal law and they were all to be released from the consequences of their decision by Christmas which is what the presents were for.