Great validation for my previous post to find this information about the 12 Rays Of Light.
Rainbow Rays of Light
In our world of polarity, everything exists at opposite ends of the same spectrum. On the light spectrum, we have white or light which includes all colors and black or darkness which absorbs them all. White light is pure spirit and the darkness is inanimate matter. The Rainbow bridge of color links these two poles together. White light is the divine consciousness and colors are the actions of this energy.
The highest vibrating form of light is clear light and that is the light of the divine. From clear light, all other colors emerge. When you shine a light through a clear crystal, a rainbow of color gets refracted. Just as when the light from the divine reaches earth and hits our density it begins to vibrate color. These rays of color each carry a vibration that we can work with and help to anchor to the earth.
The 12 Rays of Light
The rays of light are found within the chakras of the human body, but their colors are not always identical to those associated with each chakra. The rays of light support the existence of everything on Earth. Every person, country, city, organization, and family anchor a certain ray of light. We can anchor the rays of light to the earth to support healing and balance.
The 12 Rays of light are a gift to us from our Creator. They are made up of frequency bands of electrical energy that are radiated from Source Energy. Before January of 1991, we only had 7 rays available to us. At that time, 5 higher Rays became anchored into the Earth, allowing us to access all 12 rays of light. The 12 rays of light help us ascend into higher consciousness. The energy of these rays is becoming more and more intense as we move toward the Golden Age. Because of this, deeper attunements and new information are becoming available to us. An explosion of new age knowledge has become available to us and more lightworkers are answering the clarion call.
While it is still valuable to work with the original 7 rays, the energy of the additional 5 rays will anchor higher vibrations to the earth. Thus it is very important that lightworkers work with this energy, not only for their own transformation, but the transformation of Earth.
1st Ray- Red
Governed by: Master El Morya, overseen by the Manu Allah Gobi
Archangel Representative: Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith
At lower levels, it anchors from the Creator’s soul courage, confidence, inner power, bravery, passion, driving force, and enthusiasm. On a higher level, it integrates the will and divine plan of the Creator.
Purpose: Enacting and existing as the Divine Will of the Creator.
2nd Ray- Blue
Governed by: Master Joshua, overseen by Lord Maitreya.
Archangel Representative: Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Christine
Anchors the wisdom of the Creator through the embodiment of love and prepares souls for the acceptance of the Christ consciousness. The second ray of light is acknowledged as a special spiritual school that instigates spiritual development.
Purpose: Embodying and Existing as the unconditional love of the Creator.
THE 13 communicated to me that the Crimson Ray of Truth was created by the fusing together of these two rays...the Red and the Blue.
Much Love & Blessings